YOga for sonja

This is your resource page (to access for up to 3 months from your Session) which contains all the information and resources you will need to begin a Home Practice and use Yoga as your Medicine for your Body. 

I've tried to arrange it logically and simply, so on any given day/season/time in your life, you're able to know what might best suit your body/mind/spirit and create/curate a practice for you. 

Recommendations for Beginning: 

1. Create a space in your house ( even if its just a corner of the living room) with a nice little altar, ( fav things/feathers/rocks/photos o loved ones) some nice cushions, candles, incense. 
This means all you need to do in the morning or evening is place your mat down and practice. 

2. Commit to a certain time of day and make it non- negotiable. I find personally this works best. 

3. Don't complicate things 
After a few weeks you'll learn what feels best. 
I recommend sticking to once practice for a bit/ one meditation type. I like 40 Days, as a Rule for a Sadhana ( personal practice commitment) and then you get to see the effect on yourself( your mind and body).

Above all, remember it's a work in. A never ending journey inward toward self. Source. Spirit. ​


start here.


After our Initial session I would Start here:

This pre- Sadhana Preparation will I think help to clarify and settle you. Providing a steady foundation from which to expand from. 

1. Each Day Complete some morning gentle movement, spine- cat/cow, intuitive movement.

2. Complete the Sama Vritti Breath Practice. ( see recording )  MOVING into Repeating the Mantra SO HUM with your breath. ( I AM THAT, THAT I AM) 

Inhale - SO
Exhale- HUM

4. Complete this Daily Yoga Nidra Practice: Best done before or after lunch but at least 1 hour away from meals time and not before bed.
5. Complete Daily Surfboard practice to help with relaxing/releasing tension in Psoas. Or Legs up on Chair

Audio Block
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Building a home practice is like creating art. That's how I like to think of it. It's also like creating a prescription for your body. 

From a traditional view point, we are using the Asana and Pranayama to clear and prepare the mind for Meditation. We are doing that by managing our energy/Our Vital Life Force (Prana) 

full practice

1. Grounding/Landing
2. Pranayama 
3. Asana
4. Savasana
5. Mantra
6. Prananayama
​7. Meditation

My suggestion is to also ALWAYS include Nadhi Shodhana (Alternative Nostril Breath) its the most brilliant simply yet powerfully cleansing and balancing breath. Aim for 5mins of this a day. 

shorter practice.

1. 5 Gentle Landing Breaths
2. Some Gentle Spinal Movement/joint movements or muscle activation.
3. Pranayama
4 Following my Meditation. 

Are repeated 108 times traditionally. But that doesn't have to be the Case. 

I like simple Mantras for repetition: 
Such as OM ( on each exhale) 
So Hum ( So on inhale, hum on exhale) I am that. 

But you can also choose some other beautiful ones depending on what is happening in life at the moment:

Ie for Transition/New Beginnings: you could repeat Om Namah Shivaya ( the ode to the God of destruction/rebirth/preserve) Shiva) 
or Om Gam Gananpate Namaha ( Ode to Ganesh, remover of Obstacles and for new beginnings.) 

HERE Is a great little run down on some different Mantras. 

And HERE is a great resource of a Book called Yoga & Ayurveda by Dr David Frawley., well worth the investment I think.